mil gaya

spent a beautiful day all by myself… rediscovering all that was lost beneath the layer of unfathomable work related stress…

i don’t if it’s happened to you.. but it happened to me that work made me grow old faster than i wanted to.. being a manager of 12 little children can force it… and the answer to all distress was unlocked in a drive home after buying a box of paints when it struck me.. hey… the rest of me still has a child within.. waiting to come out and play…

and the child has been unlocked again today as a playful smile sweeps my face… an afternoon spent rediscovering culinary happiness… an evening of pampering the self… and a night where i smiled uncontrollably as the first flash of lightning came followed by a joyous rumbling of thunder… and yes it found me on my roof in the breeze dancing to a song my soul thinks is it’s own… a white car with tiny yellow flowers falling from its’ roof in the wind… a bat floating away into nothingness in this beautiful breeze… and the smells of a rain dusted new life…

discovered my moksha and my purpose in this song….

“Heal the scars from off my back
I don’t need them anymore
You can throw them out or keep them in your mason jars
I’ve come home”

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